What’s a Free Radical?

Not too far from my hometown of Austin, TX, runs the Guadalupe River.  Lots of people love to go on a hot summer day (we have a few of those down here almost every year), jump on some inner tubes and float down the river.  It’s a lovely, lazy time.  It’s great recreation.  The beauty of tubing down the Guadalupe is that it requires nothing.  You just hop in and wherever the river flows, you go.  It works because everybody knows where the river flows.  When you’re ready, you steer over towards shore and get out of the river.

It’s easy.

But what if it’s a metaphor for life?  What if you live a go-with-the-flow life?  Where does the flow go?  Who decides where it goes?

“Go with the flow” is our national attitude.  We used to hear, “If it feels good, do it.”  Now the unspoken command is, “If it’s easy, do it.”

What’s easy?  American Idol and X Factor are easy.  Even the History Channel is easy.  Eating cheap processed food is easy.  Unquestioning acceptance of our chosen media outlet’s political views is easy.  Hours upon hours on Facebook and web surfing are easy.  Staying up late (usually eating the aforementioned cheap processed food and/or watching TV) and living in the fog of fatigue is easy.  Gossip is easy.  Telling Republicans that Democrats are lazy bums who hate God and rich people is easy.  Telling Democrats that Republicans are Bible-thumping homophobic racists who want to control women’s bodies is easy.

I see the rewards of easy and they’re pitiful.  Depressing.  Count me out.

Whatever the opposite of a go-with-the-flow mentality is–I want that.  I want to be a Free Radical.  I’ve called this blog “Free. Radical. Thinking.”  Here’s what I mean by “Free Radical.”  There are four things that make a Free Radical:

  1. A Free Radical won’t be controlled by outside influences.  We are so bombarded by marketing messages and various propaganda that sometimes we are completely oblivious to it.  But marketers are brilliant. They know exactly what buttons to push to manipulate us to do what they want.  But first, they must have our attention.  Deny access to your attention.  Focus on things that are productive, fulfilling, and lead to the joy and prosperity you desire.  Determine where you want your life to go, make a plan to get there, and execute the plan.  Practice self control.  If you want to be free, you’ve got to be a bit radical.
  2. A Free Radical does not want to be normal.  As Dave Ramsey says, normal is broke.  He’s talking finances, but it applies to just about every aspect of life.  Normal is not just broke, it’s also fat and out of shape.  It’s intellectually lazy and profoundly uncurious.  Normal goes with the flow and gets whatever bitter dish is being served by those who need sheeple to spend money.  Count me out of “normal.”
  3. A Free Radical will accept ridicule for living a counter-cultural lifestyle.  This is essential if you eschew normal.  Watching almost no TV will get a lot of blank stares and funny looks (and to be fair, a few, “Wow, that’s great” comments, too).  Refusing to eat in slavish compliance with the government-issued Food Pyramid will get you some raised eyebrows.  Voicing thoughts contrary to the party line will get derisive scoffs.  Doing anything that isn’t “normal” will spawn pressures to get back in compliance.  Too bad.  I’ve seen normal.  Count me out.  Did I mention that already?
  4. A Free Radical is disciplined.  Try 1-3 without discipline.  You’ll be done in about 5 minutes.

Of course, I could not write and publish these things if I have not mastered them.  Thank you so much for noticing!  (Umm, how do you make the written word unmistakably sarcastic?)

I aspire to be a Free Radical.

What attributes am I missing?

Talk to me.

Are We Leading From Behind?

No, not the Obama administration.  Not “We” as in the United States.  “We” as in us!  You.  Me.  By now everyone knows that President Obama famously claimed to be “leading from behind” with respect to the situation in Libya.  (Of course, Obama never actually uttered those words publicly.  Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker attributed the comment to an anonymous Obama advisor.  But this post has nothing to do with foreign policy.  I really just used that line to get your attention!)

My dog wasn’t this cool.

When I was a kid, we had a dog named Missy.  A poodle.  Horribly un-manly.  Not nearly as cool as the dog in the picture.  When we would take Missy for a walk, she would pull on her leash with all of her sissified strength.  She always seemed to be on the scent of…something.  As hard as she pulled, though, I always eventually made her go where I wanted her to go.  If she resisted too much, I’d just reel her in, pick her up, and put her on a new path.  Her 3 pound body just wasn’t big enough to resist the brute strength of my towering 10 year old frame.

Missy was out in front, but I was leading.

What about our political arena?  Are politicians leading us?  Or are we leading them?  We often get aggravated with our politicians, but have they lead us into a mess, or have we lead them into a mess?  The politicians are leading in the sense that they are “out in front,” at least figuratively.  But politicians are elected by us, so they can’t lead us where we don’t want to go.  At least not for long.  We’ll just pick them up and set them on a new path (unfortunately, that new path is often called “lobbying”).

“Thou shalt get reelected.”  It’s the first commandment of politics.  The best way to violate this commandment is to try to lead us where we don’t want to go.  Lead us where we don’t want to go, and we’ll find a leader who will lead us where we do want to go.

Ultimately, we lead the politicians.  The follow us.  They look at how we live to discern where we want to go, and then they “lead” us there.  What are we showing them about where we want to go?

Here are a few ideas for leading our politicians from behind:

  • Create and follow a written budget that balances (including investment) every month.
  • Conduct your life with openness, honesty, and accountability.
  • Put up safeguards around your marriage so that you remain true to your spouse in word, deed, and thought.
  • Help a single parent.
  • Turn off mind-numbing TV shows.  Invest that time in important relationships, creative hobbies, or turning your great idea into a new business.

To be sure, I can’t hold myself out as the perfect example for our politicians.  But I can do better today than I did yesterday.  And better still the next day.

The more we do the sorts of things we want to see from our elected officials, the more they will see where we really want to go.  For better or worse, over time, the government will live up to the standards and values that we live up to.  So we must live to the standards and values we want to see in our government.

Who is leading whom?  What can you do today to start leading from behind?

Talk to me (in the comments).